Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sunday Snug

Nigel and Winston
Today was a relaxing Sunday for us. As you can see, Nigel and Winston managed to wedge themselves into the basket, which is clearly meant for just one cat! I would much rather nap on the couch, where there is plenty of room for curling up or stretching out, as the mood grabs me. But... to each his own! 

Spring is slow to come, here on Cape Cod. It was too cold today for the maid to open the windows, so we all went out on the side porch and found puddles of sun to sit in for the afternoon. Not much news from our house this quiet day, as my maid has spent most of the day working on the computer. I'm glad she finally gave me the chance to at least touch base with all my friends here! 

(ps: do you like my new music?)



Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That basket may be for only one cat, but those two are very cute in it!

A few Good Cats said...

It's just the right size for friends...

Hansel said...

the basket is great, perfect for kittehs!

And yes, i love the music, can you teach me how to use one?

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

My human says this song was hit--way before I was even thought of. I like it! And ya know, we have one of those ornaments that can actually play music too. Right now, it just decorates our living room... :)


The Island Cats said...

Well, Nigel and Winston sure look pretty squished in that basket! But they don't seem to mind, do they?? We hope the weather gets better so those windows get opened!!

Our mom rarely has the speakers on her laptop on, but when you said you had a new song, she turned them on. This is a great tune!

The Island Cats said...

Well, Nigel and Winston sure look pretty squished in that basket! But they don't seem to mind, do they?? We hope the weather gets better so those windows get opened!!

Our mom rarely has the speakers on her laptop on, but when you said you had a new song, she turned them on. This is a great tune!