Thursday, September 29, 2011


I wonder how many of my friends have seen this amazing photo of a most extraordinary cat who lives in my state! He has two faces! At first when I saw it, I felt sorry for the poor thing, but after I read the article, it turns out he is a healthy and happy fellow! A true feline hero. Check it out for yourself! 

 Here's the link to the article!


Jans Funny Farm said...

We'd heard of the kitty. Amazing, since these animals usually die quickly. It's kind of a shock at first glance but it's a healthy, happy kitty, so we're happy for it. Thanks for sharing the photo.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

We've read about the kitty. Amazing that he lives to such a respectable age when the survival rate is so low.

Thanks for visitng me in my garden.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Thanks for visiting our blog! We found that story to be furry interesting! We find it heartwarming to thinks that human stood by him!

amanda said...

Hola! what a brave, courageous cat. Such an inspiration. Its nice to meet you. Hope you can visit my blog sometime. Rio from Barcelona

Kat said...

Oh! You look so frightening! But you are all set for Halloween! Do you really live in Spain?? Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!

Anonymous said...

He's an amazing kitty.

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Leia,
Thanks for this hint about the article, we will check it later.
I would like to thank you for your kind visit and comment in my blog, you are cute and I love your blog!
Have a great Sunday,
Luna - WE LOVE LUNA ( and mammy Léia)