It is truly amazing and gratifying to me to have made so many new friends already! I thank you all who have visited my new blog and extra special thanks to those who have left comments! This is a new experience for me, as I have not ventured near to the computer until now, except of course to jump up on the computer desk and sit, blocking the view of the monitor, when my servant is late serving dinner!
I had mentioned the other felines who share this home with me and I suppose it is time that my new friends and readers become acquainted with them. None are of royal lineage such as myself, it must be said from the first. That fact is more than evident in their daily behavior, as I'm sure you will agree if you follow this blog with any regularity in the future.
The eldest beside myself (for I have already admitted that I am 12 years old, though you would never guess it by my youthful appearance!) is a rather large female cat named Mia. And to use the term "rather large" is, I believe, being exquisitely kind to her. You get the idea.

Apart from spending much of her time monitoring the food bowl for any additions that might be made during the day, Mia has the most annoying habit of asking my servants to let her outside just after I have made myself comfortable on top of them, relaxing on the couch. The fact that she is an "outdoor" cat is disturbing enough, for I am constantly in a panic that she may bring ticks and fleas into the house. But her insistence on magnifying this shortcoming by the indignity of lying flat on her back, hind quarters stretched out and forepaws up in the air, leaves me at a loss as to what to think about this slovenly creature. Enough said about Mia.
The next and final housemate who I will describe for you today is Malcolm. While I have fewer complaints about Malcolm as far as his behavior is concerned, I hope you won't think me too snobbish when I describe him as a "common" tabby cat. His markings are gray and black stripes. Rather like wearing a prison uniform if you ask me. But, as I said, he is not such a bad chap and is held in much affection by both staff and housemates for his easygoing and friendly manner.
Malcolm was the son of a former member of the House of Seven Cats by the name of Molly who was naught but a scrappy stray that my servants picked up out of a parking lot in the middle of the night! However, I suppose I cannot fault him for the inauspicious circumstances of his birth, and so I will leave it to you to judge Malcolm as you learn more of him through these writings.
There are as yet two feline members of this household who I have not introduced, but as I am new to this medium and tire of it quickly, I shall take my leave of you for now and plan to complete my introductions in a future post. Feel free to comment on Mia and Malcolm and I will pass your comments on to them if you wish.
Hello and welcome to the Cat Blogosphere. Thanks for stopping by and I will bug mum to get my linkies updated to include you. Staff can be so hard to train and get them to do what you need them to do.
Hi Leia! I found you at Tripper's bloggie an' had to stop by 'cuz I used to live in a house of seven cats (only now I am the oldest an' we are five).
Welcome to the blogosphere! Stop by my bloggie if you get the chance.
Hey Leia
Thank you for the very polite invitation and we had quite enjoyed our very short stay here. We are 5 cats and none offur us have the same noble lineage as you although my bruffer Bujang is indeed the son of a furry purty Siamese, half his size. Of course we would link you as we are by nature (or so san tells us) furry curious or 'kpo" as our Singaporean lingo would have it.
Be well always
Rocket on behalf of our amigos house
Hi, Leia!
Thanks for coming to visit me. I haven't been able to do much visitng lately, but I put your link on my sidebar, and you're welcome to link to me.
It's always nice to make new friends. The fact that you're wrapped in purple is "number one" in my book. Purple is my favorite color. Only recently my mom bean turned my site pink. I'll give her a bit of fun, I guess. She does feed me all kinds of stinkygoodness when I demand it.
Hugs, Gretchen
Well hello, Leia. Welcome to our cat blogging community. It's good to meet you and your family. I'll be 12 in a few weeks and I'm also Senior Cat in our family. Stop over and see us.
George, Tipper, Max & Misty
The Crew
Hi Leia, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for coming to visit my blog. I'd be delighted to link to you, and please feel free to link to my blog too.
Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat and Honorary Husky
Thank you for visiting me Leia. I too am of a distinguished lineage. I am also twelve years old and will be thirteen in September. I look forward to hearing more about your lifestyle. Your servants may be more compliant than mine, I feel.
Hi Leia, I found you on Trippers blog too. Did you know to find the Cat Blogosphere (you can just google their name to find them), it is a meeting place where all the cats go to catch up on news.
Welcome to blogging, we hope you enjoy it.
Poppy and Mum Q
Hi Leia,
Welcome to the wonderful world of cat blogging. I have enjoyed reading your posts thus far, and I look forward to reading many more. I have also joined your followers and added your link on my side bar.
Prince Frostin the words of Pink Floyd....welcome to the machine!.........
Hi Leia.
Thanks for visiting us, it is nice to meet you. We will add you to our linkslist.
Hi, Leia, We're so glad you stopped by and introduced yourself. We're glad to meet you, Malcolm and Mia today and look forward to meeting the other two residents soon.
We don't know what sadness occurred but we hope you are all okay.
We look forward to reading more about all of you.
Thanks for stopping by our blog as well. It's always nice meeting new kitties!
Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere. We're going to follow your blog!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Leia, thanks for the introductions -- it's good to get to know you and Malcolm and Mia. We'll be following you now...
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