Monday, June 03, 2013

Happy News!

Hello again, and here is a photo of myself napping with young Charles, of whom I am actually quite fond. 

Well, I have some favorable news to share...
my tumor was removed two weeks ago, and Friday I had the annoying stitches removed! There is no telling if the cancer is all gone or not, and no indication as to how much precious time I have left to live. But, the tumor is gone off my abdomen, which is a good thing, as it was growing rapidly. My maid is quite relieved and admonishes me to live at least one more year so she can get her money's worth! The nerve! (Apparently the cost of the laser surgery that I underwent was exorbitant.)

At any rate, we are still waiting for news from the v** as to whether or not the infection I had has been cleared by the three week course of antibiotics that I was forced to endure. If so, then I will be declared healthy and no more trips to the v** in the foreseeable future for me!

I do hope that everyone is enjoying the spring, which is rapidly turning to summer now.... the evening fires have stopped for the time being, but I'm relishing morning naps in patches of bright sunlight every day instead. The "boys" of the household have been attempting to regulate their behavior to something close to tolerable while I've been ill... so all is right with the world!



Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Leia, We are glad you are doing so well. WE are sending purrs that you get well soon!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad you are doing well after your operation and hope you continue to get better every day.